7 research outputs found

    Feasibility Analysis of Information Technology Investment Using Cost Benefit Analysis Method

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    Objective: One of the strategies that companies can do to survive amid fierce business competition is to invest in IT. Currently all companies need to invest in IT to improve company performance better but usually the budget costs that must be incurred by companies to make IT investments are very large. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the feasibility of IT investment. This study aims to determine how much the costs incurred and the benefits obtained after creating a Social Media Analysis information system and also to find out whether the Social Media Analysis information system development project is feasible or not.Methods: This study uses the Cost Benefit Analysis method where the method compares the components of costs and benefits which are then recommended for a policy on investment projects. The Cost Benefit Analysis method is supported by several calculation criteria such as Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PP), Return On Investment (ROI), and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR).Results: The results showed that the NPV for 5 years was Rp. 300,138,606, PP was 2 years and 11 months, ROI was 9.03%, and BCR was 1.08. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the Social Media Analysis information system investment project is feasible to continue


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    This research was conducted to find the groups of elementary schools in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, also known as DKI Jakarta. Elementary school data were selected because it is the first stage of formal education in Indonesia. This research used K-means clustering with the elbow method to determine optimal cluster numbers. The optimal cluster number is three  with Cluster 2 having the most members, followed by Cluster 1 and Cluster 0. The data distribution of Cluster 2 shows that the second-most student body and public schools located in East and West Jakarta have an adequate student-to-teacher ratio based on Article 17 of Government Regulation 74, 2008

    Designing User Experience Design of the Healthy Diet Mobile Application Using the Fives Planes Framework

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    Abstract. Obesity and overweight are becoming increasingly common conditions. On the other hand, the rapid development of technology shows by the increasing number of smartphone users. M-health application can be a solution to the burden of existing health problems. In line with that, the research focused on the quality improvement of user experience in m-Health, especially diet-related apps widely conducted. This study aims to design user experience in a diet-support mobile application called Health-Key using the five planes framework by evaluating usability aspects using the User Acceptance Test. The result of this study is prototype design. Evaluation shows that the designed prototype has good interface, practicality, and efficiency indicator, and 76.9% of respondents stated that the application is feasible, appropriate, useful, and it potentially developed in further iteration with improvements according to the respondents' suggestions.Keywords: m-health, healthy diet, user experience, five planes framework, user acceptance test. Abstrak. Designing User Experience Design of The Healthy Diet Mobile Application Using The Fives Planes Framework. Obesitas dan kelebihan berat badan menjadi kondisi gangguan kesehatan yang umum dialami. Di sisi lain, perkembangan teknologi yang kian pesat ditunjukkan dengan semakin banyaknya pengguna smartphone. Aplikasi M-Health (Mobile Health) dapat menjadi solusi dari beban permasalahan kesehatan yang ada. Sejalan dengan itu, penelitian yang berfokus pada peningkatan kualitas pengalaman pengguna M-Health, khususnya aplikasi pendukung diet, banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang desain pengalaman pengguna dalam aplikasi mobile yang mendukung pola diet sehat bernama Health-Key menggunakan The Fine Planes Framework serta mengkombinasikannya denga mengevaluasi aspek kegunaan dengan User Acceptance Test. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah desain prototipe. Evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa prototipe yang dirancang memiliki indikator antarmuka, kepraktisan, dan efisiensi yang baik, serta 76,9% responden menyatakan bahwa aplikasi layak, tepat-guna, bermanfaat, dan berpotensi dikembangkan dalam iterasi perancangan lebih lanjut dengan perbaikan sesuai saran responden.Kata Kunci: m-health, healthy diet, user experience, five planes framework, user acceptance test

    Ecoprint dan Pengelolaan Media Sosial Pemasaran pada Kelompok Ibu-ibu PKK RW 03/RT 01, Demangan Yogyakarta

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    AbstractThe PKK Driving Team (Empowerment of Family Welfare) runs from the central level to the village / kelurahan level, the PKK is managed and driven by the PKK Driving Team chaired by the wife of the Regional Leadership. At the smallest level, the PKK program can be developed by groups of PKK RW and RT mothers. One of the steps to increase the empowerment of village communities is the PKK RT 01 RW 03 Demangan Yogyakarta Women's Group since 2017 has formed an environmentally friendly fabric making business, where in its implementation the business involves community members so they can carry out a productive business that utilizes or processes materials -Natural / organic ingredients to produce environmentally friendly fabric products. In accordance with the development of information and communication technology, social media can become a reliable marketing medium. This paper will discuss about community economic empowerment and also how to use social media for online marketing. The approach is carried out by stages; the process of finding solutions to existing problems, discussion of the needs of social media to PKK group managers, is carried out by providing assistance in order to increase the capacity of administrators (in particular) and members (in general) to empower the community's economy, increase quantity and quality production tools, as well as product promotion and marketing.Keywords : PKK, Bussines, Fabric, MarketingTim Penggerak PKK (Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga) berada di tingkat pusat sampai dengan desa/kelurahan, PKK dikelola dan digerakkan oleh Tim Penggerak PKK yang diketuai oleh isteri Pimpinan Daerah. Pada tingkat yang terkecil pun program PKK dapat di kembangkan oleh kelompok ibu-ibu PKK RW maupun RT. Salah satu langkah peningkatan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa maka Kelompok Ibu-Ibu PKK RT 01 RW 03 Demangan Yogyakarta sejak tahun 2017 telah membentuk suatu usaha pembuatan kain ramah lingkungan, dimana dalam pelaksanaannya usaha tersebut melibatkan warga masyarakat agar dapat melakukan suatu usaha produktif yang memanfaatkan atau mengolah bahan-bahan alami/organik untuk menghasilkan produk kain ramah lingkungan. Sesuai perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, media sosial mampu menjadi media pemasaran yang handal. Paper ini akan membahas tentang pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat dan juga bagaimana memanfaatkan media sosial untuk pemasaran daring (online marketing). Pendekatan diakukan dengan tahap ; proses pencarian solusi terhadap permasalahan yang ada, diskusi terhadap kebutuhan media sosial kepada pengurus Kelompok ibu-ibu PKK, dilakukan dengan memberikan pendampingan dalam rangka peningkatan kemampuan kepada pengurus (pada khususnya) dan anggota (pada umumnya) untuk pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat, meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas alat produksi, serta promosi dan pemasaran produkKata Kunci : PKK, Usaha, Kain, Pemasara

    Analysis of User Acceptance Factors in Employee Attendance System

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    The importance of maintaining the quality of information systems is one of the main factors in creating the success of a system owned by a company so as to encourage employees to utilize technology in completing their work. The web-based employee presence system is one of the systems developed by companies to monitor and measure the level of productivity of human resources. Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with five informants, it was found that the user's intention to use the system was still relatively low because the user was not satisfied with the implementation of the employee presence system. System evaluation can be carried out to find out what factors have a significant influence on behavioral intentions and the use of the staffing attendance system by adopting the UTAUT 2 acceptance model. This study makes adjustments to the UTAUT 2 model by eliminating price value as an exogenous variable. A total of 291 data were obtained from respondents through distributing questionnaires and data analysis was carried out using the PLS-SEM analysis technique assisted by SmartPLS. The results of the analysis show that system users must first develop behavioral intentions to use the presence system by increasing significant factors, namely: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation which is reinforced by gender, habit, and behavioral intention

    Implementation DeLone & McLean IS Success Model for Research and Community Service Management Information System Evaluation

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    SRIKANDI is an information system managed by LPPM that manages research and lecturer service within the UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. SRKANDI in its implementation has never been evaluated, therefore in this reserach SRIKANDI was evaluated. The evaluation was carried out using the DeLone & McLean IS Success Model with 150 data obtained from distributing questionnaires to lecturers who had used SRIKANDI. The approach used in this research is quantitative by using regression analysis to test the twelve hypotheses that exist with the successful implementation of SRIKANDI as an information system


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    Community service partners who cooperate on these activities are Karangtengah Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) group located in Karangtengah, Imogiri, Kab. Bantul. This group consists of several kinds of industries, including food and wood artisans. Based on the results of a brief conversation with representatives of MSMEs, the COVID-19 Pandemic that has been ongoing since the beginning of March 2020 has caused a decrease in the sales volume of MSME group products since the dominance of the leading buyers is still residents around Karangtengah village. The MSME group of Karangtengah village market their products by direct-selling presently. Hence, a specific marketing strategy is needed to increase sales transactions by utilizing information technology that allows online transactions.  By doing this, buyers do not have to come to their showrooms or workshops to make transactions (less contact economy).This community service activity is organized to discover and solve problems in the marketing aspects faced by the UMKM group of Karangtengah village. The proposed solution is to carry out a series of activities "Go Digital": Identify the level of digital literacy of MSMEs, provide education about the importance of digital marketing to support less contact economy to MSME groups in promoting their products, and training in creating and managing online stores through business WhatsApp. The "Go Digital" activities are expected to provide effective solutions for increasing the productivity of MSMEs in Karangtengah village through digital marketing activities. This activity can also be used as a forum for MSME actors to participate and be directly involved in utilizing digital communication media in the Industrial 4.0 era